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Farewell to Globe Editors-in-Chief

Farewell to Globe Editors-in-Chief

Joe Robb O’Hagan

When Joe Robb O’Hagan joined the Globe freshman year, he never imagined he would become Editor-in-Chief. In fact, soon after he joined staff sophomore year, Joe ended up quitting the Globe to pursue other endeavors. However he found his way back Junior year becoming the Globe’s social media manager. From there, Joe fell in love with the Globe.

Joe remembers a specific basketball game last year where The Jungle organized a crowd stunt where everyone read a Globe print edition to block their faces and ignore their rival team Scarsdale’s lineup. Joe attributes this experience as the “first time I was inspired to think that the Globe can be a cool part of school culture that people can reference and care about.” From there, Joe’s interest in the Globe and its possibilities skyrocketed.

Joe took this as inspiration to craft his own Editor-in-Chief position which would focus on the Globe’s website. He felt that there was a “lot to do on the Globe and innovate with,” and he wanted to create a “renaissance of media consumption” at MHS. To do this, Joe restructured the website team in order to “start using the website to do regular reporting that we couldn’t do with our printing schedule,” and “ close the gap in our local news sphere.” Joe noted this absence of local journalism as “no one is currently really telling local news and the people who are doing it without integrity or regard to good journalism.” The revamp of the website was a success, releasing dozens of articles about community hot topics and garner- ing thousands of views.

Joe attributes a lot of the website’s recent success with the web team’s choice “to put in extra time and make themselves available to get things out on time and tell the facts about what’s happening in the community.”

Outside of The Globe, Joe is an Executive Board Vice President on Student Council, president and founder of Slice Marketing, and is a player on the boys’ tennis team. Joe is also an avid member of the Original Civic Research and Action program (OCRA). Joe has left his mark on MHS by leading the charge to reinstate beloved events like the Senior Musical and revolutionizing the school’s online presence.

Next year, Joe will be taking his talent and endless enthusiasm to the University of Southern California where he will be majoring in Business Leadership and Innovation at the Marshall School of Business and minoring in Advertising and Media Economics and Entrepreneurship. Although he is not planning on majoring in journalism, Joe is confident that the skills he has learned through his time on the Globe will directly translate to his future endeavors.

Joe’s favorite thing about his time on the Globe was working with people who were also “interested in going beyond what was expected and felt fulfillment from the results of that.” He also loves when he is able to “learn something” or be “suprised” by staff writing. Joe urges Globe staff to remember that “the Globe is a really unique opportunity” and “there is no limit to what you could or should put into the globe, there will always be someone ready to meet you there and go the extra mile to support you in that.”

Leah Brody

Leah Brody always knew that she wanted to be a part of The Globe after watching her older brother serve as a managing editor her freshman year of high school. After serving as a health and wellness assistant page editor her sophomore year, Leah was promoted to Opinion Page Director her junior year, an experience she deems particularly valuable as it gave her the opportunity to truly learn about the process of journalis- tic editing and writing.

Outside of The Globe, Leah has spent the past four years involved in the Original Science Research (OSR) program, conducting research on the impact of maternal stress and sleep on the well- being of an infant. Outside of school, Leah is highly involved in the Greenwich Crew Club and plans to continue rowing next year.

Next year, Leah will attend Bates College as an undecided major but anticipates that she will end up majoring in english or politics. While Bates does not offer a journalism degree, The Globe has truly fostered Leah’s passion for journalism and she hopes to join the Bates student-run publication, The Bates Student. Leah just finished an internship with John Wortheim at the CBS news outlet 60 Minutes as well as assisting Wortheim’s endeavors at Sports Illustrated.

Leah urges future Globe staff to truly commit themselves to The Globe as she believes it’s truly a unique opportunity to become an integral part of the local community. “It’s a team effort.” Take the time “to connect with the staff and community on a deeper level.”

Ellie Guerriero

Ellie Guerriero joined The Globe her freshman year when looking for an outlet to “explore [her] more creative side” not only as a writer but as a student and individual empowered to make a difference in the broader community. Ellie notes how The Globe also allowed her to “build up [her] self-confidence especially [as] Editor-in-Chief.” Prior to becoming Editor-in-Chief, Ellie served as Arts and Leisure Section Editor her Sophomore year and Formatting Managing Editor her Junior year.

In addition to holding the role of editorial Editor-in-Chief of The Globe this past year, Ellie served as captain of the Cross Country and Track teams, the president of the Stand Up to Cancer Club, and an ambassador for MHS’s transfer program.

Next year, Ellie plans on attending Stony Brook University as part of the University Scholars Honors Program while majoring in health sciences on the pre-physician assistant track. At Stony Brook, Ellie looks forward to “meeting new people and experiencing new things,” and “growing into myself more.”

Although Ellie is not continuing with Journalism in college, she knows that the time she has spent on The Globe and lessons she has learned will be crucial to her future success. Ellie feels that the most important things she learned may have not related to writing at all. She emphasizes the importance of communication and staying on top of your work, stating that “the best staff members were those we never had to bother.”

Sebastian Gold

Sebastian (Seb) Gold joined the Globe his freshman year because he was “passionate about writing” and was “looking for new things to do.”

From there, Seb became the Health and Wellness Section Editor his Sophomore year and Editorial Director his Junior year before becoming the Managerial Editor-in-Chief his Senior year. Seb feels that the Globe has “solidified interest and passion in writing and cultural awareness.”

Outside of the Globe, Seb is very involved in the music department. He is an active participant in concert band, pep band, pit orchestra, chamber orchestra and teaches music lessons. He has enjoyed “helping out with anything needed” in the department.

Outside of school, Seb is keyboardist for the band Hardcover which performs at local venues. To Seb, the best part about music is “the connections and communities you make or are a part of,” something very similar to The Globe’s mission of connecting “with the broader Mamaroneck community and Mamaroneck High School.”

Next year, Seb will be attending Tufts University to major in International Relations in Economics. Although he will not be directly pursuing a career in journalism, Seb is confident that his time on The Globe has provided him valuable skills in the fields of communication and writing, and has fueled his interest in understanding the broader world which he will pursue at Tufts.

Seb is especially thankful that The Globe has helped him learn “time management” and “how to run an organization and keep things happening; how to stick to goals and achieve them.” Seb implores future staff mem- bers to “write cool articles” and “not for- get they are on The Globe” because there is always “a lot to be done even after you write your last words.”

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