Tiger Time, a daily six-minute, student-led segment occurring between periods two and three is primarily characterized by its weekly showcasing of MHS Info. MHS Info features a short collection of humorous and informative segments relevant to the MHS student body. While the Info program covers various topics, usually on timely events and media, most students find relatability or humor in its segments, bringing MHS students together and fostering a sense of school spirit.
MHS Info has been a long- standing program at MHS. Initially founded in 1972, Info ran daily in front of a live audience and captured the student body and staff’s attention. The program was a smashing success—that is, until several complications, such as space difficulties and the COVID-19 pandemic, caused an indefinite halt in operations. Unfortunately, when students returned to in-person school later that year, the MHS Info program remained dormant and was in danger of permanent discontinuation.
However, in the Spring of 2022, video teacher Elena Elmoznino had the idea to kickstart the program once again, but she could not do it alone. She rallied a group of video students and student council members, including current senior producers Gretchen Barnard (’24), Eli Prager (’24’), and Helene Zehe (’24), who played a pivotal role in outlining the program’s goals. Together, they aimed to continue Info’s “incredible legacy” and create something “exciting” that the entire MHS student body could enjoy.
To achieve “info quality,” the team spent considerable time and effort producing each episode. “The Info producers met twice weekly to discuss upcoming segments, with anchors meeting on Wednesdays and the entire team meeting on Fridays. Throughout the program, communication was essential to producing a “product that we [producers] can be proud of,” Prager asserts.
While the Info team has found significant success this past year, they have also faced several difficulties. When restarting Info last year, finding a time for the segments to air was difficult amongst the already busy and cramped school schedule. When the six-minute time slot for Tiger Time was created, the team seemingly found a solution to their problem; however, this time window produced a slew of unforeseen complications. The team was tasked with delivering funny, light-hearted and informative content for students to enjoy in a relatively short six-minute period. It was more difficult than anticipated because the time constraints limited the depth and extent to which they could film. To combat this issue, the team introduced unique and recurring segments to capture students’ attention and give them something to look forward to. One of the most successful examples of these segments is Eli Prager’s Between Two Fans, where he asks questions to a teacher or faculty member at MHS through humorous and satirical methods, allowing MHS students to see their favorite teachers on the “hot seat.”
In addition to time complications, the Info team also had to deal with space issues. Once the program restarted after COVID-19, the group had no filming and rehearsal space, forcing the team to get creative. While the anchor segments are now usually filmed in the back of a closet in the video classroom, many other segments are filmed around the school as the team interacts with students and staff. While not having a designated communal space to film was initially challenging, it ultimately helped create an “Info family” where every team member is committed to making the most enjoyable episode for MHS students.
MHS Info has not only enriched the student body, but has also transformed the lives of staff members. Reflecting on his experience working with the “army” of Info producers, Prager emphasizes that he learned “the importance of teamwork and communication” due to the multitude of tasks involved in filming a segment. Other students have also discovered their love for film through Info, with Barnard sharing how she found her “passion” through the program. Unlike any other experience at MHS, Info provides a unique platform for students to gain insights into real-life filming situations and develop skills necessary for the film industry. Over the past two years, Info has redefined itself as a cornerstone of the MHS community. The Info team works hard to achieve a standard of distinction within the school and hopes to continue its legacy for many years to come, educating the future filmmakers roaming the school halls.